Monday, September 16, 2013

The Puritan Mission in New England

The Puritan Mission. Read 43-52 and  &; Degler Article for Tuesday.  Read 76-82 for Wednesday
1.      According to Degler, what is the difference between the stereotypes of the Puritans and reality?  According to Degler, how have the Puritans influenced America in the long run?
2.   What was the Puritan mission?
3.      How were the Puritans different from the Pilgrims (Separatists)?
4.      How did the New England economy, society, culture, and government differ from the southern colonies?  Why were these differences present?
5.   Can you see any long-term affects that the New England colonies had on American society, culture, economy, and politics?

Know the significance of the following:
Pilgrims; Puritans; Separatist; Non-Separatists; Church of England; John Winthrop; Calvinism; Anne Hutchinson; Antinomianism; Roger Williams; “elect” or “saints”; Half-Way Covenant; Thomas Hooker; Fundamental Orders of Connecticut; Old Deluder Act; King Phillip’s War; Salem Witch Trials; Dominion of New England


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