Tues. 4/9: Read 770-780
Wed. 4/10: Read 780-792
Thrs 4/11: Read 792-799
Fri 4/12: Read 800-820
Big Questions1. What factors and events caused the Great Depression?
2. Why was FDR such a successful politician? Why was Hoover a failure?
3. Describe the differences between the First, Second, and Third New Deals.
4. Describe the new Democratic coalition created by FDR?
5. How did the war New Deal affect the labor movement?
6. How did the New Deal change government?
7. Why did the FDR’s “court-packing” scheme fail?
8. How did the New Deal affect African Americans?
9. What is Keynesian economics?
Know the significance of the following:
New Deal Programs: Emergency Banking Relief Act; Glass-Steagall Act.; Civilian Conservation Act; National Industrial Recovery Act; National Recovery Administration; Agricultural Adjustment Act; Soil Conservation Act; Farm Credit Administration; Tennessee Valley Authority; Rural Electrification Administration; Truth in Securities Act; Public Works Administration; Works Progress Administration; Resettlement Administration
Economics: Roosevelt Recession; Francis Keynes
Labor: Section 7a of NIRA; Wagner Act; National Labor Relations Board; AFL; CIO; John L. Lewis; Trade union; Industrial Union; UAW; Walter Ruether; Sit-down strike; Fair Labor Standards Act; National Housing Act
Politics: FDR; Frances Perkins; Harold Ickes; Al Smith; Herbert Hoover; Fr. Coughlin; Dr. Townsend; Huey Long; Court-packing scheme; Alf Landon
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