Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jeffersonian Democracy

For Thursday, 11/ 15: Thomas Jefferson, Read 211-225
1. How was Thomas Jefferson different from the two previous presidents?
2. Jefferson has been described as a man of the people, an aristocratic hypocrite, a frenzied radical, a philosopher, a scientist, a pragmatic politician, and a high-minded idealist. Which was he?
3. What was Jefferson’s vision of what America should be? Was he successful in achieving his vision?
4. What was the significance of the Marbury v. Madison case.
5. Why were we able to purchase Louisiana? Did Jefferson violate his principles in purchasing Louisiana? Why did he do it?
Know the significance of the following: Election of 1800,Aaron Burr, James Madison, Monticello, University of Virginia, Albert Gallatin, Marbury v. Madison (1801), judicial review, Louisiana Purchase (1803), Toussant L’Ouverture, Napoleon Bonaparte, William Clark, Meriwether Lewis, Sacjawea

For Friday, 11/16: James Madison, Read 225-232
1. Why did the U.S. get into conflict with Great Britain and France?
2. How did Jefferson react to these abridgements of our sovereignty and our citizens’ rights? What were the results?
3. How did Madison react? What were the results?
4. Why did we go to war with England instead of France?
Know the significance of the following: James Madison, Rule of 1756, Impressment, Leopard v. Chesapeake, Embargo Act (1807), Non-Intercourse Act (1809), Orders in Council (1809), Milan Decree (1809), Macon’s Bill #2 (1810), “war hawks”, John Calhoun , Henry Clay

For Monday11/26: War of 1812, Read 233-240.
1. Who should have won the war? What were the most important battles?
2. Why did the war end? Who won?
3. What were the results of the war for the U.S.? What were the results of the war for American Indians? What were the results of the war for the Federalists?
Know the significance of the following: Tenskwatawa (The Prophet), Tecumseh, William Henry Harrison, Battle of Tippecanoe (1811), Battle of Put-In-Bay (1813), Battle of the Thames (1813), Battle of New Orleans (1815), Treaty of Ghent (1814), Hartford Convention (1814)

Interesting documentary that shows the conflict over the MidWest from the eyes of Tecumseh

For Wednesday11/20: Monroe, Sectionalism and Nationalism in Era of Good Feelings, Read 242-255
1. Why was this era called the Era of Good Feelings.
2. What caused the Panic of 1819? What effect did it have?
3. What did the Missouri Compromise decide? Why was it so important?
4. What effect did John Marshall have on the Supreme Court?
5. How did the United States acquire Florida?
6. What was the Monroe Doctrine? Why was it so important?
7. Was John Quincy Adams an able diplomat? Why?
Know the significance of the following: James Monroe, Panic of 1819, Missouri Compromise, John Quincy Adams, Adams-Onis Treaty, Monroe Doctrine, John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison (1801), Dartmouth College v.Woodward (1819), McCullough v. Maryland(1819)

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